Dr. Kazantzis is the founding Director of the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Research Unit (CBTRU). Established in 2012, the research unit brings together clinical scientists in a program designed to optimize the practice of CBT, with a particular focus on between-session client work and the collaborative qualities of the therapeutic relationship. The team’s research has resulted in multiple US National Institute of Health (NIH) grants based on CBTRU conceptual models and measures, leading to over 200 publications in scholarly journals, including 6 books for clinicians. The team’s work is highly cited by the international scientific community. For example, the American Psychological Association (APA) awarded Dr. Kazantzis’ team the Top Downloaded Paper Award in 2019, as the most downloaded article across all 89 APA journals, out of more than 4,500 articles.
Google Scholar citations are available here.
ResearchGate articles are available here.
ORCiD details are accessible here.